Wednesday, January 8, 2014

1940 factory girl attire

HI ladies, Today I want to share with you some 1940 working girl attire. As most of you know during the war women were recruited to work in place of the men in factories. While our men were braving the flying bullets and air raids women were at home making the bombs so our men could use them to help us achieve victory.

When Women went in to factory work they were made to weld, rivet, build bombs and so much more.

 What would be a good attire to wear for a everyday wear or costume you ask. Here is what I think would be a good idea for what they wore. 

1940 factory girl 
on here I have listed the following photos, if you are interested in any of said items follow the factory girl link under the photo and it will lead you to my polyvore page.

 * Socks
 *saddle shoes
 *freddie of pinewood work slacks( these are reproductions of original jeans)
 *button up blouse
 * and the ever so popular Rosie bandana.

Even tho women of the 40s had nice attire to wear, when men went to the war woman had to step up and find clothes that worked in a factory setting. Fancy Rayon dress and silk stocks were no friend to any factory girl welding a plane wing.

IF you are interested in watching what it would be like to 3be a working girl. Watch the television show Bomb Girls. Its is a two season series ( with a movie coming out very soon, more on that later). This takes place in Canada in a bomb factory. Its a great series and I am really excited to see the movie coming out.


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