Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Make it do!

Hi ladies,today I'd like to share a book I recent purchased, it is called

I was searching for a nice copy of 'Make do and Mend it" but couldn't find one for a price I thought was decent for purchasing it. So I stumbled across this one for a dollar and snatched it up. it was published in 1943.This book was a nifty little guide during WW2 to help you make do with every little thing you could scrap, it helped women make there items last long.

During World War 2 there were many scrap drives,
on the back of this nifty book it tells you what a few worn out home goods are good for during the war. Such as Bullets, Grenades, gas masks, so on and so forth. Here is a copy of the back cover so it can tell you what some of the items, no matter how small it was, could be used for

I think that the back was helpful to families during the war that wanted to do what they could to help the men fighting.

  Going inside their are some awesome articles that I think are still helpful today. if you feel that there is a article you want Ill be more then happy to send you a copy of the article, just let me know.

What do you do to make do at home with your loved ones? I personally buy used clothing in good condition, I also collect cans and scrap metal.
If you feel that there is a article you want Ill be more then happy to send you a copy of the article, just let me know.

  Jessy June

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