Saturday, December 14, 2013

It's been to long bloggerville!

  Hi Jessy June fans! Not that there is too many of you out there right now maybe by next summer I'll have a few more followers and many more awesome blog post. How are you all doing??
  Here in the Midwest we have snow, I live close to the middle of Missouri in a small farming town. It's not heavy snow like in St. Louis, just mushy slush snow. So my hubby is doing a lot of running as I don't feel comfortable running in the snow with my two small kids.

I have been doing a some great thrifting lately. Recent finds would include,

1950 rain boots, there in great condition came with the original box and the slip in it stating there union made. What is the price?? 50 cents. I know craziness.

A bag full of stockings - seriously, some have a slight run, but some are in great great great condition. I have a open bottom girdle I can wear with them, so I'm super excited to have them to wear, plus being in my size. Want to guess what the price is I paid for them??   A whopping dollar, I know big bucks.

A fantastic find that I truely love so so much is this felt wool Mexican embroidered jacket! Just guess the price I paid for it! Are you ready to find out??? A quarter! As I was walking into the thrift store I saw it hanging there and I thought I swear I have seen one of those on etsy. So I grabbed it assuming it was vintage and had the pastors wife doubting it was, till a elderly lady said I remember those being a big hit when I was growing up, oh yes! Confirmation that I was right all along. Here are at few photos if it.

I also found a 1960 genuine leather, made in West Germany manicure set. It was free since my local thrift shop does not really place items as such out for sale. But luckily they like me and will let me snoop in the sorting room for goodies.

I have a few more finds that I love but that is just a lot for one post right! So ladies I will post again another time about other great finds.

So what have you found lately? What are your vintage goody finds? I'd love to hear about it.

Christmas is coming, so please keep the holiday spirit! No matter what you celebrate Happy holidays to all of you.


Jessy June

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