Wednesday, January 8, 2014

1940 factory girl attire

HI ladies, Today I want to share with you some 1940 working girl attire. As most of you know during the war women were recruited to work in place of the men in factories. While our men were braving the flying bullets and air raids women were at home making the bombs so our men could use them to help us achieve victory.

When Women went in to factory work they were made to weld, rivet, build bombs and so much more.

 What would be a good attire to wear for a everyday wear or costume you ask. Here is what I think would be a good idea for what they wore. 

1940 factory girl 
on here I have listed the following photos, if you are interested in any of said items follow the factory girl link under the photo and it will lead you to my polyvore page.

 * Socks
 *saddle shoes
 *freddie of pinewood work slacks( these are reproductions of original jeans)
 *button up blouse
 * and the ever so popular Rosie bandana.

Even tho women of the 40s had nice attire to wear, when men went to the war woman had to step up and find clothes that worked in a factory setting. Fancy Rayon dress and silk stocks were no friend to any factory girl welding a plane wing.

IF you are interested in watching what it would be like to 3be a working girl. Watch the television show Bomb Girls. Its is a two season series ( with a movie coming out very soon, more on that later). This takes place in Canada in a bomb factory. Its a great series and I am really excited to see the movie coming out.


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Make it do!

Hi ladies,today I'd like to share a book I recent purchased, it is called

I was searching for a nice copy of 'Make do and Mend it" but couldn't find one for a price I thought was decent for purchasing it. So I stumbled across this one for a dollar and snatched it up. it was published in 1943.This book was a nifty little guide during WW2 to help you make do with every little thing you could scrap, it helped women make there items last long.

During World War 2 there were many scrap drives,
on the back of this nifty book it tells you what a few worn out home goods are good for during the war. Such as Bullets, Grenades, gas masks, so on and so forth. Here is a copy of the back cover so it can tell you what some of the items, no matter how small it was, could be used for

I think that the back was helpful to families during the war that wanted to do what they could to help the men fighting.

  Going inside their are some awesome articles that I think are still helpful today. if you feel that there is a article you want Ill be more then happy to send you a copy of the article, just let me know.

What do you do to make do at home with your loved ones? I personally buy used clothing in good condition, I also collect cans and scrap metal.
If you feel that there is a article you want Ill be more then happy to send you a copy of the article, just let me know.

  Jessy June

Saturday, December 14, 2013

It's been to long bloggerville!

  Hi Jessy June fans! Not that there is too many of you out there right now maybe by next summer I'll have a few more followers and many more awesome blog post. How are you all doing??
  Here in the Midwest we have snow, I live close to the middle of Missouri in a small farming town. It's not heavy snow like in St. Louis, just mushy slush snow. So my hubby is doing a lot of running as I don't feel comfortable running in the snow with my two small kids.

I have been doing a some great thrifting lately. Recent finds would include,

1950 rain boots, there in great condition came with the original box and the slip in it stating there union made. What is the price?? 50 cents. I know craziness.

A bag full of stockings - seriously, some have a slight run, but some are in great great great condition. I have a open bottom girdle I can wear with them, so I'm super excited to have them to wear, plus being in my size. Want to guess what the price is I paid for them??   A whopping dollar, I know big bucks.

A fantastic find that I truely love so so much is this felt wool Mexican embroidered jacket! Just guess the price I paid for it! Are you ready to find out??? A quarter! As I was walking into the thrift store I saw it hanging there and I thought I swear I have seen one of those on etsy. So I grabbed it assuming it was vintage and had the pastors wife doubting it was, till a elderly lady said I remember those being a big hit when I was growing up, oh yes! Confirmation that I was right all along. Here are at few photos if it.

I also found a 1960 genuine leather, made in West Germany manicure set. It was free since my local thrift shop does not really place items as such out for sale. But luckily they like me and will let me snoop in the sorting room for goodies.

I have a few more finds that I love but that is just a lot for one post right! So ladies I will post again another time about other great finds.

So what have you found lately? What are your vintage goody finds? I'd love to hear about it.

Christmas is coming, so please keep the holiday spirit! No matter what you celebrate Happy holidays to all of you.


Jessy June

Sunday, October 27, 2013

My first auction!

  So here I am, my number is 22 and I have my two sweet kiddos being wild monkeys, as I stand there waiting to see what goodies I can manage to grab for a great price!  There was the usual cheap china made knick knacks that all the older ladies went for. Then they came to some antique glassware. 1950/1960s good quality items, items made in the USA. You know you were getting your moneys worth when you were biding on these items.

  The first item I won was a 1960s sunburst juice glass set with the glass holder, smancy I'm telling you! Five dollars, what a bargain! ( especially since vintage is such a hot item now,  and being in a small town people don't really know how to price vintage, so you are more then likely getting a great deal!) I've seen there is a glass pitcher that matches this set, so I'd love to find it!

(Excuse my sewing machine!)

  The next item I found was a leather suitcase, I found it hidden in the corner, super cute! I couldn't find any brand or tag info on it, so it's just a random suitcase. I'd share a picture with you, but it's smells horrible! It is being airied out and will be cleaned up, So future blog post in the works! It was a steal for two dollars. I was also able to purchase a metal Tonka truck for my son who thinks he needs every toy out there. I love that crazy kiddo!

  Future post are coming up so please stay tuned, I will be doing a blog post about the suit case in a few days, when it's aired out and smelling good. Plus more of my vintage items to come. You'll love them when you see them!

      Xoxo JessyJune1942

Monday, October 21, 2013

One of my idols


Carmen Miranda was a beautiful Portuguese-born Brazilian samba singer, dancer, Broadway actress, and film star who was popular from the 1930s to the 1950s. Miranda began her singing career in 1929, and enjoyed 10 years as a major Brazilian singing star. 

Miranda began her singing career in 1929, and enjoyed 10 years as a major Brazilian singing star. In 1939 she moved to the United States to perform on Broadway on contract with the American theatre owner Lee Shubert. This led to a Hollywood film career in 1940, with her first film Down Argentine Way.[3] Nicknamed "The Brazilian Bombshell",[4][5]Miranda is noted for her signature fruit hat outfit she wore in her American films, particularly in 1943's The Gang's All Here. By 1945, she was the highest paid woman in the United States.

Miranda made a total of fourteen Hollywood films between 1940 and 1953. Though hailed as a talented performer, her popularity waned by the end of World War II. She later grew to resent the stereotypical "Brazilian Bombshell" image she cultivated and attempted to break free of it with limited success.

On 4 August 1955, Miranda unknowingly suffered a mild heart attack while performing during the filming of an episode of The Jimmy Durante Show. She finished the show but died the following morning after suffering a second heart attack.

( all rights belong too

Now I adore Carmen Miranda and decided my two year old had to dress up as her for halloween since our Rockford Peaches outift didn't work it. I able to glue fruit, flowers, a butterfly and a elastic to it to fit other head.

Now I was worried that she would pull it off and wreck it, but so far she has. Kept it on, I tied a yellow neck scarf on her head once, place he headband on held in place with bobby pins, then tied it again. Scarlett loves it. ( in case you are wondering, Scarlett is my two year old diva) so far she has done excellent job keeping it on her head. here isa quick snap shot of her wearing it. On Halloween I will have a complete photo of both my kids dressed for Halloween. My son Logan will be a cowboy and Scarlett's of course Carmen Miranda.


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The vintage I love

Hi my name is Jessica and I'm addicted to thrift stores and yard sales. I love love love going to yard sales and thrift stores for vintage finds, the joy of finding a vintage piece ( or even regular clothing pieces for my kids or husband, me,lol) is like a job well done.  I was raised on thrift store clothes and yard sale finds. I rarely had new clothes and it's something I have grown accustom too. I'd rather spend a quarter on a Ralph Lauren or old navy cardigan then $ 50 dollars brand new at the store.
  Why would I think to thrift at a thrift store or city wide garage sale? Besides spending a small chunk of change on a name brand item, you also get something that was worn in, and most likely comfortable.
A quarter, dollar even five dollars beats spending 25, 50, or more on one item. Imagine what you could get with $50 dollars at the thrift store. $50 dollars can get me thru a city wide garage sale and still have  a large amounts of it left over. 
 The other thing I love so much about thrifting and garage sales is the vintage, I am always looking for vintage items of the 40/50 era. I am a missed place soul, seriously. Lol, I wish I could go back in time and buy items from that era and bring them back to this time. But, I deal with online local swap pages, isell pages, or To find a piece from the decade I love is like a lovely gift from the past. 

Recent finds on these pages are.a Art Deco waterfall bedroom set, a Tappan deluxe gas stove, (that is a beautiful piece of art), a ginormous collection of records, and so much more. I guess slowly I'll share all my luck finds with you. I want too, it's easy to find a good deal for a great price, with time, prayers and eagle eyes.( I've trained my eyes to find the vintage goods, lol joking but it sounded good).